API MPMS 12.1.1:2001 pdf download
API MPMS 12.1.1:2001 pdf download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 12- Calculation of Petroleum Quantities.
3.2.1 CSW: Correction for sediment and water.
3.2.2 CTL: Correction for temperature of the liquid. Compensates for the effect of temperature on a liquid. Corrects a volume at an observed temperature to a standard temperature. This is the same as VCF.
3.2.3 CTSh: Correction for temperature of the shell. The correction factor for the effect of the temperature, both ambient and liquid, on the shell of the tank.
3.2.4 FRA: Floating roof adjustment. The adjustment made to offset the effect of the displacement of the floating roof.
3.2.5 FW: Iree water quantity deduction (may include bottorn sediments). The water present in a container that is not suspended in the liquid hydrocarbon.
3.2.6 GOV: Gross observed volume. The total volume of all petroleum liquids and sediment and water, excluding free water, at observed temperature and pressure.
3.2.7 GSV: Gross standard volume. The total volume of all petroleum liquids and sediment and water, excluding free water, corrected by the appropriate volume correction factor (CTL) for the observed temperature and API gravity. relative density, or density to a standard temperature such as 60°F or 15°C.
3.2.8 GSW: Gross standard weight. The weight (or mass) of the GSV quantity.
3.2.9 NSV: Net standard volume. The total volume of all petroleum liquids, excluding sediment and water and free water, corrected by the appropriate volume correction factor (CTL) for the observed temperature and API gravity, relative density, or density to a standard temperature such as 60°F or 15°C.
3.2.10 NSW: Net Standard Weight. The weight (or mass) of the NSV quantity.
3.2.11 TCV: Total calculated volume. The total volume of all petroleum liquids and sediment and water corrected by the appropriate volume correction factor (CTL) for the observed temperature and API gravity, relative density, or density to a standard temperature such as 60°F or 15°C and all free water measured at observed temperature (gross standard volume plus free water).
3.2.12 TOV: Total observed volume. Total measurement volume of all petroleum liquids, sediment and water, free water, and bottom sediments at observed temperature. For the purposes of this standard. TOV is the volume taken from the tank capacity table prior to any corrections, such as those for floating roof and the temperature of the tank shell.
3.2.13 TSh: Temperature of the tank shell (see page 4).
3.2.14 VCF: Volume correction factor. This is the same as CTL. These two symbols are interchangeable. CTL is used in all equations in this standard.
3.2.15 WCF: Weight conversion factor. A factor that COflverts a volume, usually at standard temperature, to mass or apparent mass.
4 Calculation of Measurement Tickets or Reports
A measurement ticket is a written acknowledgement of a receipt or delivery of petroleum and petroleum products. If a change in ownership or custody occurs during the transfer, the measurement ticket or rejxrl serves as docu,nentaion between the parties involved as to the measured quantities and tested qualities of the liquids transferred. Measurement ticket is the generalized term used to embrace and supercede long-standing expressions such as “run ticket,”“transfer ticket,”“receipt and delivery ticket:’ etc.
Care must be taken to ensure that all copies of a measurement ticket are legible. Standard procedure tbrhids making corrections or erasures on a measurement ticket, unless the interested parties agree to do SO and initial the ticket to that effect. Should a mistake or change be made, the ticket should be marked Void, a new ticket prepared, and the voided ticket attached to the new ticket. An alternate method commonly employed is to write an adjustment ticket that corrects the amount of the error or change.
5 Hierarchy of Accuracies
There is an inevitable or natural hierarchy of accuracies in petroleum measurement. At the top are the standards callbrated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. From this level downwards, any uncertainty in a higher level must be reflected in all lower levels as a bias or systematic cm)r.