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API RP 577:2004 pdf download

API RP 577:2004 pdf download.Welding Inspection and Metallurgy.
j. Preheat requirements and acceptable preheat methods defined (see 10.5).
k. Post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) requirements and acceptable PWHT method defined (see 10.6).
I. Inspection hold-points and NDE requirements defined (see Section 9).
m. Additional requirements, such as production weld coupons, clearly specified.
n. Pressure testing requirements, if any, clearly specified (see 9.1 1). Potential inspector actions:
a. Identify and clarify missing details and information.
b. Identify and clarify missing weld sizes, dimensions, tests, and any additional requirements.
c. Identify and clarify inconsistencies with standards, codes and specification requirements.
d. highlight potential weld problems not addressed in the design.
4.2.2 Weldment Requirements
Review requirements for the weldrnent with the personnel involved with executing the work such as the design engineer, welding engineer, welding organization and inspection organization. Quality control items to assess:
a. Competency of welding organization to perform welding activities in accordance with codes, standards, and specifications.
b. Competency of inspection organization to perform specified inspection tasks.
c. Roles and responsibilities of engineers, welding organization, and welding inspectors defined and appropriate for the work.
d. Independence of the inspection organization from the production organization is clear and demonstrated. Potential inspector action: highlight deficiencies and concerns with the organizations to appropriate personnel.
4.2.3 Procedures and Qualification Records
Review the WPS(s) and welder performance qualification record(s) (WPQ) to assure they are acceptable for the work. Quality control items to assess:
a. WPS(s) are properly qualified and meet applicable codes, standards and specifications for the work (see 6.4).
b. Procedure qualification records (PQR) are properly performed and support the WPS(s) (see 6.4).
c. Welder perfbrrnance qualifications (WPQ) meet requirements for the WPS (see 8.3). Potential inspector actions:
a. Obtain acceptable WPS(s) and PQR(s) for the work.
b. Qualify WPS(s) where required and witness qualification effort.
c. Qualify or re-qualify welders where required and witness a percentage of the welder qualifications.
4.2.4 NDE Information
Confirm the NDE examiner(s), NDE procedure(s) and NDE equipment of the inspection organization are acceptable for the work. Quality control items to assess:
a. NDE examiners are properly certified for the NDE technique (see 4.6)
b. NDE procedures are current and accurate.
c. Calibration of NDE equipment is current. Potential inspector actions:
a. Identify and correct deficiencies in certifications and procedures.
b. Obtain calibrated equipment.
4.2.5 Welding Equipment and Instruments
Confirm welding equipment and instruments are calibrated and operate. Quality control items to assess:
a. Welding machine calibration is current
b. Insinitnents such as ammeters, voltmeters, contact pyrometers, have current calibrations.
c. Storage ovens for welding consumables operate with automatic heat control and visible temperature indication. Potential inspector actions:
a. Recalibrate equipment and instruments.
b. Replace defective equipment and instruments.
4.2.6 Heat Treatment and Pressure Testing
Confirm heat treatment and pressure testing procedures
and associated equipment are acceptable. Quality control items to assess:
a. Heat treatment procedure is available and appropriate (see
b. Pressure testing procedures are available and detail test requirements (see 9. 11).
c. PWHT equipment calibration is current.
d. Pressure testing equipment and gauges calibrated and meet appropriate test requirements. Potential inspector actions:
a. Identify and correct deficiencies in procedures
h. Obtain calibrated equipment
4.2.7 Materials
Ensure all filler metals, base materials, and backing ring materials arc properly marked and identified and if required, perform PMI to verify the material composition. Quality control items to assess:
a. Material test certifications are available and items properly marked (including back-up ring if used; see 10.8).
b. Electrode marking, bare wire flag tags, identification on spools of wire, etc. as-specified (see 9.2).
c. Filler material markings are traceable to a filler material certification.
d. Base metal markings are traceable to a material certification.
e. Recording of filler and base metal traceability information is performed.
f. Base metal stampings are low stress and not detrimental to the component.
g. Paint striping color code is correct for the material of construction.
h. PMI records supplement the material traceability and confirm the material of construction (see 9.2). Potential inspector actions:
a. Reject non-traceable or improperly marked materials.
b. Reject inappropriate materials.
4.2.8 Weld Preparation
Confirm weld preparation, joint fit-up. and dimensions are acceptable and correct. Quality control items to assess:
a. Weld preparation surfaces are free of contaminants and base metal defects such as laminations and cracks.

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