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ASME ANDE-1-2015 pdf download

ASME ANDE-1-2015 pdf download.ASME Nonde structive Examination and Quality Control Central Qualification and Certification Program.
(a) This Section contains the requirements for the overall responsibility of the CB program for NDE and QC Inspection personnel qualification and certification to this Standard.
(b) The ANDE Committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of this Standard.
(c) The CB QA program and the CB general administrative procedures for implementation of this Standard such as the operating procedures and instructions to candidates shall be made available to the applicable SIS Committee for review and comment and all comments shall be resolved prior to implementation by the CB.
(d) The applicable SIS Committee shall approve all technical documents including JTAs; BoKs; Qualification/Continuity Cards and their Instructions for use; technical procedures that include grading of written examinations; practical demonstrations; checklists; psychometric process instructions; and test samples and grading units.
The CB shall meet the following requirements:
(a) The CB shall have demonstrated experience in ad ministration of programs for certification of personnel based on factors including training and examinations.
(b) The CB is responsible for maintaining a Quality Assurance (QA) program that meets the requirements of the latest Edition of ISO 9000 (ref. [11) or equivalent [e.g., ASME NQA-1 (ref. [2]), as applicable].
(c) The CB is responsible for verifying qualification and certifying NDE and QC Inspection personnel in accordance with the requirements of this Standard. This includes its Mandatory Appendices and maintaining the infrastructure for the certification program including development and maintenance of written examinations, test samples, and organizations providing services, such as an outside agency.
(d) The CB shall maintain a database of certified individuals accessible for verification of certifications by Regulatory or Enforcement Authorities, Authorized Inspection Agencies, Owners, or Employers as applicable.
(e) The CB shall issue a certification form to those personnel satisfying the requirements for NDE or QC certification in accordance with this Standard and shall
issue an examination record, which shall be maintained in a database.
(f) The CB is responsible for timely notification to candidates of the results of written examinations, practical demonstrations, when candidates are certified, or for certified individuals when certifications are revoked. These notifications shall be mailed or emailed by the CB within 30 days. Examination results shall not be given over the telephone.
(g) The CB certifies by issuing a certification form that the individual has satisfied the requirements of this Standard. However, the CB does not give authority or license to that individual to perform NDE or QC activities.
(Ii) The CB is responsible for development and maintenance of written examinations and practical demonstrations based on the psychometric process and other requirements of this Standard, including (1), (2), and (3) below.
(1) The CB shall develop and maintain a secure question bank, and written examinations shall be prepared based on the JTAs using a selection process that ensures no individual takes the same examination more than once.
(2) The CB or CB’s approved outside agencies shall maintain a secure test sample bank containing a sufficient number of flawed samples to support the practical demonstrations.
(3) The CB shall ensure that the samples in the test sample bank shall be real or simulated with some flaws exceeding and others not exceeding the acceptance standards of the applicable referencing Code, Standard, Specification, Procedure, or Instruction.
(I) The CB shall develop criteria and monitor implementation results to ensure program effectiveness on performance improvement.
(a) Examination Centers are responsible for administering examinations in accordance with this Standard.
(b) Examination Centers shall establish a controlled environment to ensure the integrity of the examination process and the security of examination materials.
(c) Examination Centers shall be operated directly by the CB or a CB approved outside agency.

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