BS 5733:2010 pdf download
BS 5733:2010 pdf download.General requirements for electrical accessories -Specification.
3.13 endosur.
complete outer protective case for an accessory
NOTE ft may be integral with the complete aisembl a in a surface accessory or a portable accessoix or It may comprise a ftwh accessory mounted in a corresponding box.
3.14 plug
accessory havrng contacts desgned to engage with the contacts of a socket-outlet, also incorporating means for the electrical connection and mechanical retention of flexible cables or cords
3.15 socket-outlet
accessory having socket-contacts designed to engage with the contacts of a plug and having terminals for the connection of cables or cords
3.16 shutter
movable part incorporated into a socket-outlet arranged to shield at least the live socket-Outlet contacts automatically when the plug Is withdrawn
3.17 adaptor
portable accessory having plug-pins, intended to engage with the contacts of a corresponding socket-outlet and having socket-outlet contacts to arxornmodate one ox more plugs
3.18 switch
device designed to make ox break the current In one or more electric cM’cults
3.19 functional switch
switch not intended for safety isolating purposes
3.20 flex-outlet
unfused accessory Intended for connection to the fixed wiring of an installation and having provision for the connection of a flexible cord to supply a fixed ox stationary appliance
3.21 fused flex-outlet
flex-outlet incorporating a replaceable cartridge fuse-link to protect the flexible cord
NOTE A clock-connector I, an example of a fused flex-outlet
322 In-lin. cord connector
coupling device comprising a plug part and a socket part, both having provision for flexible cords which enter the respectiv, accessories In an axial line coincident with tIse engagement axes of the two parts
3.23 terminal
means by which the user can make an electrical connection between the appropriate cable ox flexible cord and the conducting parts of the accessory without the use of speaal tools
324 screw type terminal
terminal for the connection and subsequent disconnection of one conductor or the inter-connection of two or more conductors capable of being disconnected, the connection being made directly or indirectly by means of screws or nuts
3.25 pillar terminal
terminal with screw clamping in which the conductor Is inserted into a hole or cavit where it is clamped under the end of the screw or screws
NOTE 1 The clamping pressure may be applied directly by the end of the screw or through an Intermediate clamping member to which pressure Is applied by the end of the screw
NOTE 2 Examples of pdNai terminals are shown is, gure I.
3.26 stud termena
terminal with screw damping in which the conductor is damped under a nut
NOTE I The damping pressure may be applied directly by a suitably shaped nut or through an intermediate part, such as a washeç a clamping plate or an anti-spread device.
NOTE 2 Examples of stud temli’naJs are shown in Figure 2.
3.27 saddle terminal
terminal with screw damping in which the conductor is clamped under a saddle by means of two or more screws or nut
NOTE Examples of saddle terminals are shown in FIgure 3.
3.28 lug terminal
screw terminal or a stud terminal, designed for damping a cable lug or bar by means of a screw or nut
NOTE Examples of lug terminals are ihown In Figure 4.
3.29 mantle terminal
terminal with screw clamping In which the conductor is clamped against the bas, of a slot. In a threaded stud, by means of a nut
NOTE 1 The conductor is clamped against the base of the slot by a suitably shaped washer under the nut. by. central peg if the nut is a cap nut. or by equally effective means for transmitting the pressure from the nut to the conductor within the slot.
NOTE 2 E.wa,nples of mantle terminals ace shown in FIgure £
3.30 screwless terminal
connecting device for the cOnne