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BS EN 13358:2010 pdf download

BS EN 13358:2010 pdf download.Bitumen and bituminous binders – Determination of the distillation characteristics of cut-back and fluxed bituminous binders made with mineral fluxes.
5A Shield and shield support
5.4.1 ShIeld, of steel. lined with 3 mm of suitable thermal insulation material and fitted with transparent mica windows of the form and dimensions shown in Figure 2, which is used to protect the flask from air currents and to reduce radiation.
5.4.2 Shield cover (top), consisting of two parts or fire resistant miliboard of 6 mm minimum thickness
5.5 Support for shield and flak, two sheets 150mm x 150 mm of a mesh of approximately 1 mm wve gauze on
a tripod or ring.
5.6 Heat source, adjustable Tirrl1) gas burner or equivalent,
5.7 Chimney for protection of the gas burner flame, as given in Figure 3.
5.8 ReceIver, standard 100 ml graduated cylinder of dimensions as given in Figure 4,
5.9 Thermometer, conforming to the requirements described in Annex k
Other temperature measuring devices may be used instead of mercury stem thermometers. However, the mercury stem thermometer is the reference device. Therefore any alter native device employed shall be calibrated so as to provide the same readings as would be provided by the mercury stem thermometer. recognisang and allowing for the fact of changed thermal response times compared with the mercury thermometer.
For this test method, in which increasing temperatures are read during the test procedure, documented corrections shall be determined in advance and applied to the observed readings.
5.10 ResIdue container, of approxm,ately 250 ml capacity. A seamless metal container, with a slip-on cover of (75±5) mm diameter and (55 ± 5) mm height, or similar, is suitable.
5.11 Balance with a reading accuracy of at least 0,1 g.
6 Procedure
6.1 General
The material under test shall be sampled in accordance with EN 58
6.2 Preparation of test samples
6.2.1 Samples shal be prepared in accordance with the provisions detailed in EN 12594, especially those regarding cut-back and fluxed bituminous binders. In particular, stir the sample thoroughly, warming if necessary, to ensure homogeneity before removal of a representative portion for analysis.
6.2.2 II sufficient water is present to cause foaming or bumping, dehydrate a sample of not less than 250 ml by heating in a distillation flask sufficiently large to prevent foaming over into the side-arm. When foaming has ceased, stop the heating. If any light oil has distilled over, separate and pour back into the flask when the contents have cooled down sufficiently to prevent loss of volatile oil. Mix the contents of the flask thoroughly before removal for analysis.
6.3 Preparation of apparatus
6.3.1 Calculate the mass of 200 ml of the sample from the density of the material at 15 C. Weigh this amount with an accuracy of ± 0.5 g into the 500 ml distillation flask (5.1).
6.3.2 Place the flask in the shield (5.4) supported by two sheets of gauze (5.5) on a tripod or ring. Connect the condenser tube (5.2) to the side-arm of the flask with a cork stopper or equivalent, keeping the centre of its neck vertical, Adjust the adapter (53) over the end of the condenser tube so that the distance from the neck of the distillation flask to the adapter outlet is (650 ± 50) mm.
6.3.3 Insert the thermometer through a tight-fitting cork In the neck of the distillation flask so that the thermometer bulb rests on the bottom of the flask. Raise the thermometer (6,5 ± 1,0) mm Iron, the bottom of the flask using the scale divisions on the thermometer to estimate 6.5 mm above the top of the cork.
6.3.4 Protect the burner by a suitable shield or chimney. Place the recetver (5.8) so that the adapter extends into it by at least 25 mm but not to below the 100 ml mark. Cover the neck of the receiver with a piece of suitab’y weighted blotting paper, or similar material, cut to fit the adapter snugly.
6.3.5 Ensure tI’iat the flask, condenser, adapter and receiver are clean and dry. Place the residue container and its cover In an area lree from drafts.
6.3.6 Pass cold water through the condenser jacket by reflux, Use warm water if necessary to prevent the formation of solid condensate in the condenser tube.

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