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UL 536-2014 pdf download

UL 536-2014 pdf download.Flexible Metallic Hose.
6 Hydrostatlc.Strength Test
6.1 A hose assembly of length sufficient to make a 90 degree bend based on the radius of curvature as specified in 5.2 and Table 5.1 is to be used in this test. The hose shall not leak nor rupture when subjected for 1 minute to a hydrostatic pressure equivalent to live times its maximum rated pressure.
6.2 One sample of each diameter of a length acceptable for bending in accordance with 5.2 is to be used in this test. The sample is to be installed in a straight line, with one end attached to the pressure source and other end plugged and free.
6.3 The pressure is to be uniformly raised to 1-112 times rated pressure and maintained at that pressure for 1 minute. The hose is then to be bent 90 degrees with a radius of curvature as specified in 5.2 and the pressure maintained for one additional minute.
6.4 With the hose maintained in the bent position, the pressure is then to be increased to five times the maximum rated pressure for 1 minute.
7 Vibration Test
7.1 Hose shall not leak or show evidence of dama9e when exposed to vibration as specified in 7.3 while pressurized as specified in 7.4 and 7.5 and exposed to vibration of an amplitude of 0.075 inch (1.91 mm) arid a frequency of 900 to 1000 vibrations per minute for 300 hours.
7.2 Two samples of the shortest length of each diameter are to be used in this test. One sample of eadi diameter is to be installed in a vibration machine in a straight line. The other sample of each diameter is to be similarty installed, except that it is to be bent with a radius of cwvature as specified in 5.2.
7,3 The vibrabon machine is to provide means for applying hydrostatic pressure to any one end of the sample, and that end is to be mounted so as to be stationary. The opposite end of the sample is to be plugged and subjected to a motion in one plane. The motion is to have a displacement of 0.15 inch (3.81 mm).
7,4 The maximum rated pressure Is to be maintained in the sample during the period of vibration. The sample is to be vibrated at the rate of 900 to 1000 cycles per minute.
7.5 The sample is to be subjected to vibration for 300 hours, alter which the hy&ostatic pressure is to be increased to 1-1/2 times maximum rated pressure and then immediately released.
13 Compression Test
13.1 Hose shall not leak when subjected to the pressure specified m 13.4 after being subected to an external load specified in 13.3.
13.2 One sample of intermediate length of each diameter is to be used in this test. A hydrostatic pressure of 25 psi9 (172 kPa) is to be maintained within the sample when under test.
13.3 With the sample supported uniformly along its length, a load of 1000 pounds (4448 N) is to be successively applied by a fiat metal surface over a distance of 1 inch (25.4 mm) along the length of the hose at three equally spaced locations. The load at each location is to be maintained for 1 minute.
13.4 The sample is then to be subjected for 1 minute to a hydrnstatic pressure of five times the maximum rated pressure.
14 Bending Test
14.1 Hose shall not leak when pressurized as specified In 1 44 after being subjected to repeated bending specified in 14,2 and 14.3.
14.2 One sample of each diameler of a length suitable for bending is to be used in this test. The sample is to be supported uniformly along its length, as on a table.
14.3 The sample Is to be bent and straightened 50 times to an arc of 45 degrees having a radius of 60, then 50. then 40. and 30 percent of the minimum radius of bend as specified in 5.2. The 50 cycles of bending and straightening is to be completed for each radius before bending at the next lower radius is commenced
14.4 Upon completing 50 bends at 30 percent of the minimum bend radius the sample is then to be subjected for 1 minute to a hydrostatic pressure of 1-112 times the maximum rated pressure
13 Moist Ammonia-Air Stress Cracking Test
15.1 After being subjected to the conditions descnbed in 15.2— 15,4, a brass part containing more than
15 percent zinc shall:
a) Show no evidence of cradcing, delamination, or degradation or
b) Perform as intended when tested as described in 15.5.
15.2 One test sample of each size is to be subjected to the physical stresses normally imposed on or within a part as the result of assembly with other components. Samples with female threads, intended to be used for installing the product in the field are to have the threads engaged and tightened to the torque specitied by the manutacturer. Teflon tape or pipe compound is not to be used on any threads, Samples with male threads are evaluated in ‘as received condition.

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